How can I find my WhatsApp number?

I can’t remember my WhatsApp number and need it to share with someone. I’ve looked through the app settings but I’m not sure where exactly to find it. Can someone guide me on how to locate my own number in WhatsApp?

Oh, this is too relatable. It happens to the best of us. Who even remembers their own phone number these days, right? You’re not alone. Here’s the deal: open WhatsApp, tap on the three dots (menu) in the top-right corner if you’re on Android. For iPhone users (fancy people), just head to ‘Settings’ at the bottom. From there, go to ‘Profile’ (it’s where you see your name and picture). Boom. Your number is right there under your name. It’s like the app knows we can’t possibly be expected to remember something as trivial as a phone number in 2023. Share away!

Ok, so listen… I get it, numbers are just not something we keep in our heads anymore (thanks, contact lists). But, real talk, using WhatsApp to find your own number? Low-key genius. I saw what @ombrasilente said about digging into the settings to check your profile, and yeah, solid advice, but there’s also another angle for people who, idk, don’t feel like messing around with settings or accidentally clicking the wrong thing.

If you’re as scatterbrained as me, just head to any group chat you’re in where YOU posted a message. Like, scroll up and find any message with your pic and name (you know, something not from 2015). Tap your own name or profile in the group. Bam. It brings up your info, including your number. It’s like stalking yourself but in a productive way.

Oh, and just saying, if you’re not in a group chat… first of all, who are you even texting? But fine, @ombrasilente’s tip probably makes the most sense. Still, wouldn’t hurt to stick your number in your phone contacts for moments like these. You know, future-proof your memory.